Monday, March 4, 2024

Travel With A Plan

I am flying out shortly to Whitehorse and I am then driving to an abandoned mine site about 3 hours north of Whitehorse. I am unsure about internet capabilities while I am away so you may or may not see me for the next couple of weeks.

Even though I have no idea what facilities they may have, I have a plan to start working specifically on one of my personal requirements (a grappling form). My vision is for it to be a two person form that will incorporate applications that flow together and give both partners different aspects to work on. I am also going to be working on another project which I am extremely excited about and hopefully it will come together in the next 2 to 3 months.

I am trying to use differnt situations this year to focus on different aspects of my training. I have only been to one class so far this year so I am hoping my plan works.

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