Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do I Have To

This week has been a little bit off for me. My energy and enthusiasim seem to be a bit down. I’m not sure why but I think it has something to do with a couple of injuries I have. I have been keeping up with my numbers but it has been a struggle to just get out there and do it. Maybe next week will be better.


  1. You're going to be just fine as long as you keep doing what you are doing. Follow the structure you have been following and that will get you through to the other side. You're definitely not alone.

  2. Sihing, it really does go in waves and you ride it out. When you're up, we lean on you and when you're down, you lean on us. Remember that something is better than nothing and sometimes it's something that gets you going.
    Sherri Donohue
