Friday, January 28, 2011

The Week That Wuzzz

This last week has been absolutely crazy. We are just over 1 week from the banquet so we have amped up the lion dance practices. Which means I am spending 6 days a week at the Stony Plain kwoon. On top of the class time, there is 1 hour of travel timeto get there and then back home. With the extra travel and class time, my UBBT numbers took a bad slide this week. I usually catch up on the weekend but I am having some injury issues that the lion dance aggravates. I have to be smart and focus on the lion dance for right now and then catch up on my numbers for the UBBT after the banquet. That is what I keep telling myself anyway.

Friday, January 21, 2011


One of the most challenging goals that I have heard people talk about for the UBBT is the random acts of kindness. Some people are having difficulties performing them or are not sure what to count as a random act of kindness. For me, it is about the simple things that make the biggest difference. Holding a door open, returning someone’s shopping cart, letting someone merge in traffic. With the weather we are having there are the easy ones like snow shoveling, pulling out stuck vehicles or helping someone on the icy roads. As the weather warms, we will lose these given ones and you must change your mindset or it will be very difficult to perform your acts of kindness.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The solution

I am feeling better about the UBBT this week than I was last week. I was struggling to find the time to practice my kung fu in between lion dance practice, classes and home life. This week I set aside 1.5 hours a day to strictly focus on my training. Whether it was for 10 minutes or for an hour as long as it added up to the hour and a half. This enabled me to catch up on all of my goals. I am going to continue with this strategy and hopefully it will make the difference.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Week 1!

Almost one week into the UBBT and I find myself falling behind already. I took it easy on Sunday and a couple of nights during the week were very busy. So last night I checked my numbers and was a little surprised by how far behind I was on some of my goals. After 2 hours of some serious training, I got most of my numbers back on track (although I still a couple to go that I will catch up on this weekend). As I was training I decided that I will follow my daily goals that I have set out for myself and that I will meet my targets weekly so that I do not get to far behind on any one thing. The UUBT is a serious commitment and I already see the benefits of it.