Saturday, February 17, 2024

Why Join

I was looking at my work schedule for this coming year and it is going to be very busy. I will be start with the GNWT project on May 16th and it will continue into mid to late October. With this schedule I will be gone for 2 to 3 weeks at a time and home for one or two in between. Before this, I will have some projects in Whitehorse, Yellowknife and a couple others including possibly Greenland.

With all this in front of me, I decided this was a good year to join the I Ho Chuan team. Why would I do that? That is a very good question and one that I found really easy to answer. One of my most successful years on the team was when I was away for work a lot during Covid. It kept me engaged and focused on my goals so I figured with another busy year coming up, this will be a great way to stay engaged and help keep me on the right path.

You may not see me a lot in the next few months but I will try to be online as much as possible. This may be hit or miss as well as some of the places I go, do not have a very stable internet connection. However, being a part of the team will allow me to focus on my journey wherever I happen to be.

My weapon choice this year is the Chinese Horse Bench which will be interesting to practice while away and I am also going to work on a spear form from 2016 again.