Monday, December 19, 2016


To be honest with myself, I have not thought much about what the future holds for me since my layoff. Thoughts of despair creep into my head and I replace them with thoughts of the holidays and spending time with family and friends. This has been a nice distraction but I know that it is something that i need to start focussing on soon.

Another nice distraction has been Kung Fu. We are preparing for the Chinese New years banquet which means demo practices and lion dance practices. Thoughts about what i need to work on and how i can improve are constantly running through my head.

Another distraction has been preparing to grade for my second degree. I was eligible to grade two years ago, but felt i was not ready and didn't put the effort in that was necessary. However, this year I have focused on increasing my engagement and my commitment to Kung Fu. This has helped me in all aspects of my life and I plan to continue this trend.

Anyway, I am not planning to start a new career until after January 28th so I can be there for our Chinese New Years to see the new black belts be promoted and to participate in a fantastic evening. After that, who knows where work may take me but you sometimes need to make some sacrifices in life to achieve what you want.

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