Sunday, May 29, 2016

Workout Again. Yeah!

A few weeks back, I had mentioned that I started to work out at home to increase my conditioning and to improve my overall fitness level. Two weeks ago I finished the 8 week program but I still didn't feel like I had accomplished what I wanted to. For these and another couple of reasons, I decided to start the program again.

While I admit that my conditioning has improved and I feel a lot better overall, I know I can do more. Why subject myself to this? I feel like I need to so I can improve my skills as a martial artist. Another reason is its something I feel I need to do for my overall health as well.

Along with a workout, I have added cardio sessions and stretching. The biggest change however has been from being more conscious of what I eat and how much. These changes have had a dramatic effect and in the last 8 weeks I have lost 14 pounds. I feel better than I have in years and I am motivated to continue to get to where I want to be.

As an added bonus, my wife has started doing cardio sessions while I work out and she has also started to do some of the workouts. This is another great motivator for me as it is something we can do together.

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