Monday, January 25, 2016

Family is Kung Fu

I have been spending a lot of time lately reading everyone's blogs and I realised that many of us have had the same injuries or struggles in the past or are currently experiencing them. Its amazing that we live such different lives away from the Kwoon yet we all have had such similar feelings and experiences in our lives. When you are a member of the I Ho Chuan team, you are a member of a family. Even if you do not get to see that family that much or you will feel like an outsider and don't know if you should come back, I can tell you that that is not true. We have all struggled from time to time and have been away for long stretches (some longer than others) but speaking from experience, you will always be welcome. This got me thinking as to why this is. For me, I think its because we all share this common activity that has become a large part of our lives and helped to make us the person who we have become. When somebody is away for so long, it feels like a part of something is missing. Its hard to explain the feeling but I believe anyone on the I Ho Chuan knows what I am talking about. However, when that person is back, the feeling goes away. This blog is not directed at any person but more as to how I have felt in the past and what it felt like when I came back. My job will take me away again in the future with no idea of when or for how long but i have learned a lot in this past year and the support of the team will make it much easier to come back through those doors. Kung Fu has done some great things for me and I hope that anyone out there that doesn't know if they can come back or if they should come back, I am telling you, you can come back. You are part of something special and will always be welcome.

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