Wednesday, February 5, 2014

End of the Year

Being part of the I Ho Chuan team this last year was an emotional rollercoaster. It started off well and had some definite highs and lows along the way but it did not end how I had planned or hoped. The last 2 months have been a definite low due to the fact I was very limited in what I could do. I think I lost part of the feeling of being on the team as I was not in the demo or part of the dragon/lion dance. It can be frustrating and lonely being on the outside trying to get back in with someone holding the door closed on the inside. Without my teammates I would have stayed outside but they helped open the door for me and that is what the team is for. Thank you guys and with the start of a new year the motivation is back but I need to temper that so I can first recover fully. See you all at the Kwoon. Sifu Lindstrom


  1. Let's just say that I totally get where you are and where you are coming from as I had many of those feelings last year myself.
